Coach Engagement Process
Foundership’s Coach Collective consists of incredible Founders & Leaders.
How to Join CoachCollective?
Foundership's ability to bring in the right coach to engage with a startup is critical and a key element of the platform.
You can see our list of Coaches here:
Apply with your details on Foundership SIGNAL and select your profile as a Coach. Team Foundership will reach out to discuss this. Existing Coaches will review your application & references and then vote to induct new Coaches to the CoachCollective.
CoachCollective Governance
CoachCollective Governance has 3 admins and 5 moderators to govern the community rules and engagement. The admins and moderators are selected based on Coach off-chain voting. The off-chain voting happens every calendar year or when most Coaches vote to choose a governance team.
Roles & Responsibilities of a Coach
As a Coach, you don't have to participate in all of the following activities.
1. Coach Selection
Foundership receives new applications from prospective Coaches to join the CoachCollective. We run off-chain voting from existing Coaches to select the Coach for CoachCollective. Your participation in such voting activities regularly will build your karma points. You will earn a badge of honor or POAP.
2. Project/Startup Vetting
Foundership receives many Web3 teams/projects/startups applying to get help with funding. We vet these applications to ensure we choose great teams to connect with investors/ VCs/ Web3 funds. You can participate in such vetting activities. If the startup you vetted gets funded from Foundership Funding syndicated, you will earn a badge of honor or POAP
3. Community Activities
Foundership hosts several community evangelism activities such as Masterclasses and Twitter Spaces, Events, or Webinars.
4. 0xCamp Coach
Foundership hosts 0xCamp every 4 months to enable early-stage startups to apply. When you are engaged as a Coach for a Startup. Find details of the Foundership Coach Reward Model.
Coach Engagement Scope
Define Goals quarterly
Bi-weekly discussion on progress and accountability
Brainstorm the path ahead to solve tactical and strategic challenges
Help navigate organization growth challenges
Bring leadership thinking to enable you to scale your operations and teams
Enable navigation of key decisions in the startup
Investor connects
Product Management Practices review and enable setup
Product Engineering practices review & enable setup
Sales practices review and enable setup
Marketing practices review and enable setup
Pitch review and feedback
Enable identifying & defining key hiring for leadership roles
Setting up the right Metrics Frameworks and enabling you to track them
Assisting the Company in preparing plans, discussions, and formulation of strategy , marketing strategy, sales strategy, customer success strategy, partner strategy, networking strategy, etc.
CoachCollective FAQs
How many minimum hours do I need to commit? You may choose which of the following activities you want to spare your time.
0xCamp Coach: We host 12 weeks of virtual masterclasses/sessions (IVL). When you are engaged as a Coach for a project, you must commit at least 6 hours a month for the live coach call and over chat/live meetings/ phone calls. If participating/invited to join the 0xCamp Masterclass Sessions, you must spare 90 (masterclasses and Q&A sessions). A maximum of 2 startups will be allotted per coach.
Coach Selection for CoachCollectove: We run a Coach voting activity once/twice a month if there are new Coach applications. This may take a maximum of 10 minutes.
What is the commercial model for coaches?
Find details of the Foundership Coach Reward Model.
How will my work/impact be measured?
We will collect feedback & NPS every month to ensure complete transparency on the progress and impact creation.
When NPS is less than 9 consistently, we discuss with the startup and coach to ensure we re-set with relevant coaches.
What are the don'ts for a Coach?
See CoachCollective Community Rules.
CoachCollective Community Rules
The following “Rules" are to keep a healthy, transparent & trustworthy CoachCollective community of Coaches.
Don't connect Foundership cohort teams/ projects/ startups at Foundership to VCs/ Angels/ Funds or others for funding discussions to avoid duplicity & tracking. Instead, the Foundership team will serve the cohort teams/ projects/ startups for their funding needs or intro to VCs/ Angels/ Funds or others for funding discussions.
Don't approach cohort teams/ projects/ startups at Foundership to offer /discuss/engage them in your company hiring/jobs.
Don't connect cohort teams/ projects/ startups at Foundership to other incubators/ accelerators/ institutions/advisors/coaches (except those in CoachCollective).
Don't disrespect cohort teams/projects/startups at Foundership. Treat fairly and positively.
Don’t be biased.
Disagreement sharing: In case a Coach has disagreements/grievances with a cohort team/ projects/ startups at Foundership or with Foundership or with CoachCollective, they need to share with CoachCollective first
Coach Engagement Summary
Here is the summary of Activities, Time Needed, and Rewards for the Coach to participate in CoachCollective. As a Coach, you don't have to participate in the following activities. Instead, refer to reward details in 'Roles & Responsibilities of a Coach' in the above section.
Coach Selection
20 mins in a month
Badge of honor or Appreciation
Community Activities
As per the activities
Badge of honor or Appreciation
Apply with your details on Foundership SIGNAL and select your profile as a Coach. Team Foundership will reach out to discuss this. Existing Coaches will review your application & references and then vote to induct new Coaches to the CoachCollective.
Last updated